Sunday, October 16, 2011

Geo Walk

Price: $2.99
Grade Recommendation: 3rd and up
Subject: Social Studies & Science
Specific Skill: Geography
Levels: N/A
Players: N/A
For iPad, iPod, or Both: Both

This world fact app is visually appealing and filled with many interesting facts about our world. But it is quite complex and younger students may feel as if it's overly-stimulating. With that in mind, I probably wouldn't use this app with early elementary-aged students.

Users can search the earth by places, animals, people or plants. They can also read about current events/news going on around the world. Built-in quizzes about the facts are also included.

Overall, purchase this app if money is not an issue and you're using it with older students. If not, know that better geography-based apps are out there.

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